WHERE IS YOUR LIFE TAKING YOU – Better yet, where are you taking your life?

A little over 2 years ago I began a journey of trying to point my life in the direction God wanted me to take it by using the gifts and talents He had given me. It has been a slow process of understanding that has just recently taken some hint of a direction.

Today I am still far from knowing the real direction I am supposed to go but I do know that the general direction is “forward”. Faith tells me that it will be revealed to me. Faith works when I work.

How do I know I am making progress? Affirmations. Affirmations tell me I am making progress, which strengthens my faith. They compliment each other.

What exactly am I doing here with these Facebook posts, a blog, videos and the host of other things I am working on? I am going forward, that’s what I am doing. Where is it going to lead? I have no earthly idea……but I have faith.

So, where is life taking you? Or, better yet, where are you taking your life?

Nose to Toes / #16



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