Made a quick stop by my table on the way to bed last night, just opened my bible up to see where it landed. Psalms 3 : 5-6……
“I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because The Lord sustains me. I will not fear”.
I remember underlining those words several months ago in the wee hours of the morning when I was soaked in fear and in the middle of a long stretch of sleepless nights.
I’ve been sleeping well lately and slept all night last night. First thought through my mind this morning when I saw the clock was 5:30 and I hadn’t woke up even once all night……”Thank you Lord for a good nights rest”. Those words have become a habit when I sleep well and my thanks is sincere.
Don’t overlook the small blessings in life, even if it is just a peaceful good nights sleep. Give thanks, in all things.
Get in the boat. Do you part.
1:6 / Nose to Toes / #16