By now you have probably heard me refer to writing things down and the ever growing box of index cards I have on my desk. I’m on my 3rd box now. It’s a really fancy one I found about a year ago. Great thoughts deserve a great place to reside.

Take the one in the photo for example. It reminds me of Proverbs 18:16, which states, “Your gift will make room for you”.

Not “if you have a gift” but “your gift”. Not that it “may make room for you” but that it “will make room for you”.

I see no other logical conclusion except that we all have at least one gift and if opened and worked with persistence that it will make room for us in this world. So, know that.

If you are on board with that part then take the next step. Identify your gift and refine it. Put it to work. That is when it begins to make room for you, when you take action to put it to use.

If you don’t move toward it then it will just sit right there, waiting for you. So, move toward it. Do “something” toward it. Just do it. What do you have to lose? No, what do you have to gain!

Lastly, here is the important part. Ready? Put it to work to serve others, in Christ. Not yourself. Others. Your gifts are not for you. Know that too. That’s the most important part.

Get in the boat. Do your part.

1:6 / Nose to Toes / #16

