You Are Not Alone….

If you feel sometimes like you’ll never get it right, no matter how hard you try, you are not alone.

If you feel like you are not spending enough time with your kids, while they are still kids, you are not alone.

If you feel like you don’t spend enough time with your spouse, the most important person in your life, you are not alone.

If you feel like you don’t spend enough time with God, you are not alone.

If you feel like you should be more than you are being to everyone that is depending on you, you are not alone.

If you wake up with the best of intentions to “get things done”, only to go to bed with things “undone” and a longer list than you woke up with, you are not alone.

If you feel like life is flying by, and you are running out of time to make those big dreams a reality, you are not alone.  

If you feel like you are failing your way through life some days, even most days, you are not alone.

I could sit here and go on and on, but you get the idea.

Failure is a part of life and and as much as failure sounds like a bad word, or a bad place to be, it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

It’s not a bad thing, because failing means you are trying. If you aren’t failing on a regular basis, well, honestly…. what are you doing all day?

At an absolute minimum, failing means that you are “aware” that better is out there, for you, and for those you love and care about.

Failing means that you are trying, because in all seriousness, if you aren’t trying…. then you can’t fail. You really can’t.

So, give yourself a break today, and tomorrow, and the day after that. You are going to fail, I am going to fail, but as Denzel said…. fail forward.

Get In The Boat. Do Your Part.

From Nose To Toes!

Shane / #16

(Yes, Sharing Is Encouraged 👊🏻)

