Courage…. Over Perfection.

Courage Over Perfection….

People will sit and watch a display of Perfection, buy a ticket to watch it, even get up out of their seat and applaud it, thinking the whole while… “That is amazing, but I could never do that”.

But a display of Courage?! A display of courage….

By someone working to simply do, be or become, something they currently are not, has the power to move people, to make the casual observer quietly think… “Perhaps I can too”.

Perfection, often looks years of practice away, or even completely out of our wheel of possibilities, because it is just that…. Perfection.

Courage is a short game, it’s just doing something that you are nowhere near perfect at doing, maybe not even good at, failure is common, the results are often messy, but….

The sheer fact that you had the guts to do “something” toward your “it”, will often inspire others to do “something” towards their “it”.

Perfection requires no courage, but courage (and persistence) is required to arrive at perfection. Read that twice.

Never underestimate the influence your actions have in other people’s lives. You may think no one is watching…. but someone is always watching.

Get in the boat. Do your part.

Do “it” Courageously…. From Nose To Toes…. because somebody, somewhere, needs to see it!

Shane / #16

