Two days after God told me that He would “complete the good work that He had started in me” (Philippians 1:6), He told me to be active in sharing my Faith (Philemon 1:6).
The first event mentioned above happened early on a Monday morning, February 1, 2016. The second was the following Wednesday evening while lying in bed.
Both of those events were delivered with a remarkable clarity that I remember like they just happened a moment ago. That’s how it works when God shows up to deliver a directive.
Over the next few years, God showed me I could write and that I could use that writing to share my Faith. So, that’s what I did.
I wrote stories about God’s work in my life, then I shared those stories using different platforms, including multiple email lists I had compiled, that collectively grew to about 1,500 recipients.
Then one day, about three years ago…. I just stopped sending stories to the email list.
Life got hectic, time got scarce, and it was FAR easier to post my stories on Facebook, then just move along. I had taken the path of least resistance.
God never said a word, but….
Over the past few months, it has become a common occurrence for someone to ask me…. “why did you stop writing”?
Well, I hadn’t, I had just stopped sending the stories via email, which apparently was the only way these people were receiving them.
Feeling that unmistakable gentle nudge in recent weeks, I dusted off one of the email groups that consists of about 200 recipients and started emailing my stories to them again.
I received three responses that first morning, and all three were requesting to be removed from the distribution list, which was a little deflating. Then later a fourth response arrived….
The fourth response was from my friend, and newly ordained Minister, Mike Ballard, who thanked me for the encouraging words.
I responded to Mike that his message was both timely and well received, as the only responses I had received prior to his, were requests to be removed from the email list.
Mike’s response was short, yet profound…. “Just do your work, let the Holy Spirit do it’s work”. Message received.
As I look at my clock right now it reads 4:01 in the morning, and I’m not “awake and can’t sleep”. No sir…. I’m joyfully at work, and I’ve been at work for well over an hour.
I’m at work because God told me years ago that He would complete the “good work” that He started in me, that He would bring that “work”, and me, to completion…. and He has been true to His word.
I hold up my end of the deal by obediently, and continually, answering His call to write and share about my Faith in Him, whatever time of day that call arrives, and, because He knows I am human….
Occasionally, He will send someone to encourage me, rub my head, and remind me like a good Father would….. “Shane, just do your work son, and let Me do Mine”.
Never doubt what God can do in and through your life. What you see is like an iceberg; you see the tip of it.
Get In The Boat. Do Your Part.
Do Your Work…. From Nose To Toes!
Shane / #16 (