What if…. You gave yourself ten minutes to brainstorm those two words, “I Should”, then honestly and truthfully wrote down every single thought that crossed your mind?
I’ll bet you this…. You could literally utterly and absolutely change your life and, perhaps even 10X the impact you are having on the lives of those closest to you, if…. you were to implement to completion, just 25% of what you wrote down.
So, why don’t we? That’s a good question.
Chances are, even if we completed this exercise, captured the thoughts, sifted them out, then set off with the best of intentions….
The pushback alone from those around us would derail most of it, the rest we would just eventually, if not in short order, stop following through on. Change is hard. Significant change is exponentially harder.
What’s that old saying, water follows the path of least resistance? So does life. Problem is….
The path of least resistance often ends up at the dump, or at least the dump parking lot, while the road to the picnic is often, ok is always, uphill…. at least until it is not.
Looking at my life, there are areas where I am doing well but there are more areas where, I am not. Perhaps I am too hard on myself and, perhaps I am too easy on myself, all at the same time. Depends on the day and the topic.
What’s that other old saying…. “If you don’t know where you are going, then you are already there”.
54 years of living has shown that statement to be remarkably true.
Another statement I have found to be remarkably true, is this….
“We will often overestimate what we can accomplish in a day, while we literally always underestimate what we can accomplish in a year”.
I’m kinda rambling this morning because I have been up for hours. Pondering. I’m good at pondering but pondering gets you nowhere until something moves.
With all of that being said, my prayer this morning was simple…. “Lord, help me today. Just, today”.
Get In The Boat. Do Your Part.
Lord, Help Me Today…. From Nose To Toes!
Shane / #16