“All Together”

If you ever find yourself in this place called “all together”, and you are actually able to stay there for a while, then please, let me know how you did it.

I’m pretty good at getting things “all together” in one aspect of my life but once my attention turns to reign in the next area of my life, then the unraveling begins.

It’s like someone turns drunk monkeys loose in the conquered space as soon as I turn my back on it.

As my wisdom of oldish age has kicked in, I have come to the reality, and accepted the fact that, you never have it, all of it, “all together”, at one time. Not even close really.

And seriously, what would you do if you did happen to pull to off? Lock the door and just sit there and look at it? Life requires motion, and motion invites chaos, so you can’t do that even if you wanted. Well, at least not for long.

Truth is, the price of a family is house full of chaos and as a parent the dance is figuring out how to draw the line between tolerable and intolerable, then motivate your crew to stay on the tolerable side of that line, without making them want to move out, or move you out.

For the most part I’m just talking about my house above, but what about the rest of the equation, the rest of “life”? Things like….

Finances, career, relationships, health, various obligations, personal interests that make you happy? It’s the same impossible battle to get it “all together” for each of the various categories, and the cost is often the same.

One area of our life running like a well-oiled machine is most often, perhaps always, paid for by neglecting another area of our life because, everything has a cost.

Pick an area, reign that area in nicely, turn your attention to the next area…. and the unraveling begins.

That’s just how life works, but what about Faith? Is Faith any different? Is our Faith ever “all together”? Speaking for myself…. nope.

For clarity, I have never once doubted my salvation since I gave my life to Christ not so many years ago but, I have learned that this part of my life is no different than any other part as it takes work…. to keep it on track.

If I don’t prioritize my morning quiet time, morning devotional time, not just praying but “living” prayerfully, church on Sunday, minding what goes in my head and comes out of my mouth, writing and sharing as God has directed me to do, then the things I am not doing weaken my foundation, and Faith…. is the foundation for EVERYTHNG.

Faith is the platform life sits on. It is the engine, the GPS, the light in the storm, the mote around the castle.

Faith is the ONLY variable in life’s equation that has the ability to anchor, grow, guide and influence, literally EVERYTHING else in our life.

So, as you take off on your new week, I want to encourage you to prioritize the Faith variable in your life equation. Fight for it, defend it, nurture it, protect it. At all costs.

No other variable in life’s equation has the power to change all aspects of your life, like the variable, that is Faith in Christ.

And, if you do have it “all together” in your life, hit me up, we need to talk.

Get In The Boat. Do Your Part.

Protect Your Faith…. From Nose To Toes!

Shane / #16

together #life #faith #priorities #protection

