…. No End!

This past Saturday morning, my wife and I were talking over coffee, without being in a hurry. Without being in a hurry was the best part. I was on the fat leather armchair and she was on the sofa with a dog, kids still asleep, blinds still closed, quiet room. It was nice.

I tried to do more listening than talking, that’s what everyone says men don’t do enough of, the listening part. My wife talked mainly about the kids, because the kids are the center of her life, the beings her life revolves around. I couldn’t ask for a better mother for our boys.

Eventually, I got around to talking as well. Little bit about kids, little bit about work and the daily adventure of being a Realtor, then somewhere along the way I started talking about life and Faith, and there I went….

I really have no idea how I ended up talking about church but that’s where the conversation went. How I enjoy getting there early on a Sunday morning, making sure the usher group is staffed, filling in when needed, seeing familiar faces, stepping through the routine of an Episcopal service, taking notes during the sermon, a cup of coffee afterwards in the parish hall, watering the Lord’s potted plants. The crowd often dwindles until there is no one there but me. Not intentionally, that’s just how it works most Sundays as I putter around, happy to be there, reluctant to leave.

Next to the sermon, my favorite part of the church service is The Nicene Creed. That’s the first thing that spoke to me years ago. Raised Baptist, and proud of it, I had married a non-convertible Episcopalian, and found myself week after week, participating in a church service I didn’t really understand and that honestly bored me to tears until one day, while reading through the Nicene Creed with the rest of the congregation, a light went off in my head…. this is what I believe.

That was the day I softened up, the day the Lord had waited patiently for me to come to, where I chose, I “chose”, to investigate that bored me to tears approach to worshiping the Almighty that was an Episcopalian church service. God just smiled.

Years later as life became more difficult, God’s work in my life became more evident, and the Faith I placed in Him became stronger I began to add emphasis to seven words found about halfway through the Nicene Creed…. “and His kingdom will have no end”.

I remember the day that those words first jumped off the page at me. It was during a time when the enemy was working overtime and I found myself feeling overwhelmed with worldly “things”. Those seven words were a glaring reminder that this, and all these “things”, shall indeed pass, whereas God’s kingdom…. will not.

It has since that day become a weekly reminder to me, and a statement I make to the enemy each week because try as you might…. His…. Kingdom…. Will…. Have…. No…. End.

I’m rambling again today, sometimes the Lord says, just start typing homie. So, I did.

Listen!! Don’t miss the blessing God has for you this morning, get up and go get it. Whatever is on your plate can wait a couple of hours. That is the tactic the enemy often uses to keep you home on a Sunday morning…. but you have so much to do.

I have things to do also, bulletins to put out, lamps to turn on, ushers to enlist, hands to shake, a service to participate in, notes to take, coffee to drink, plants to water and seven words to speak that remind me, regardless of what is going on around me…. His Kingdom Will Have No End.

Get In The Boat. Do Your Part.

Arrive Expectantly…. From Nose To Toes!

Shane / #16

