At the end of each month, in the Guidepost daily devotional that I read, there is a page that states…. “You Were Called To Peace”.
Below that heading is a single numbered blank line where you can drop a few words about your day, or morning. I’ve been reading this annual devotional for over a decade and only noticed those blank daily lines a few years back, but….
It wasn’t until this past week, that I noticed the heading at the top of the page. Boldly printed over that empty page of lines numbered 1-30 for the month of June, were the words…. “You Were Called For Peace”.
The words jumped off the page at me.
I flipped over to the other month ending pages, and there was the exact same thing. Blank page of numbered lines, same header. The theme for the year I suppose.
How had I missed that? The better question is…. why did I just now notice it?
My answer would be because God just now pointed it out to me. The phrase goes hand in hand with the theme in my life of late, which is staying at Peace, in Peace, regardless of what is going on both in and around me. I’ve gotten better at it but, it takes practice. It also takes God.
When I gave my life to Christ about a decade ago, I began to experience a Peace that was new to me, it was different, words could not explain it. Words still cannot explain it.
That new level of Peace often came and went over the years, depending on my circumstances, my environment, what type of diet I was feeding my mind. Peace ebbed and flowed like a tide.
As life goes and as I have learned, the sun sets on one set of challenges, while the sun rises on a new set of challenges. That is something I have accepted on a deeper level the last year or so. That cycle won’t ever change. So, what to do?
My answer was to not only make peace with it but to find Peace in it, regardless of what “it” might be. (Read that twice)
This past year I have made the cognitive effort to trust God more. Just trust Him, have Faith in Him, do my part, go live my life.
Looking back, as messy, and scary as some things have been over the years, God has gotten me through them, God is getting me through them now, God has always made a way. Why would He stop today?
He wouldn’t. He won’t. He has a consistent track record. There is Peace in that for me.
As I have made the effort to accept the things I cannot change and to work at changing the things I can, to stay both at Peace and in Peace, Believing God is directing and protecting, God has done what God does…. added Peace to my life.
Pointing out those five words, “You Were Called For Peace”, is just another example, an affirmation…. that I am on the right track.
I find Peace and assurance in that simple reminder. I see you working Lord!
Get In The Boat. Do Your Part.
Called To Peace…. From Nose To Toes!
Shane #16