Can I get a Witness?
Let’s pretend for a moment life is like a game show and you must choose between two activities. Wrestle a bear or go witness to someone. A lot of Christians would say, “where is the bear”. I might do so myself depending on the day. That whole “fear” thing we humans tend to avoid.
Just the thought of actively “witnessing” to someone is enough to make even some front row Christians un-comfortable but, that’s what we are called to do, we are called to be a witness.
Acts 1:8 is a great example stating, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…. to the ends of the earth”.
Witnessing is an integral part of a Christian life, at least it should be and, a Spirit filled Christian may find it virtually impossible to not share what God has placed inside of them.
Perhaps what scares most Christians is that when we think of being a witness for Christ, we think of walking up to complete strangers and asking them if they know Jesus. There are indeed people that do just that. As of today, I am not one of those people.
Fortunately for me, and others like me, verbally telling complete strangers about Christ is not the only form of witnessing. It is just one of many. The most basic form is simply living out a consistent Christ centered life. Something as Christians we should all strive towards daily, with God’s help of course.
Do this and you won’t even have to look for people to witness to, some will come to you. Especially if you have made a noticeable life changing commitment. After I accepted Christ people showed up occasionally inquiring, “You are different, what is it”. They weren’t asking out of shear curiosity, they were asking because they thought they might want some of “it” too. Whatever “it” was. The door was then open for me to tell them.
Beyond the example of a Christ centered life there are countless witnessing opportunities (job descriptions) available to all. They range from inviting someone to church all the way to full time missionary work in a hostile foreign country and literally all points in between. What you do, or don’t do, is up to you.
Know this though, we are ALL called! The question is, do we answer?
Speaking for myself, I lack in many places, but God called me to write a few years ago. I remember well my initial response the day I finally realized God was calling me to do so, “write about WHAT”?! I then stubbornly resisted for months before finally, obediently, answering that subtle yet consistent nudge that would simply not go away. Turns out it was my gift. I had no idea. God did though, He gave it to me. Like I said, we all have at least one.
God blessed the writing effort then and continues to do so today. Through writing, I can witness to people I know, as well as complete strangers I don’t know. Occasionally, people share my stories with others and the message is multiplied. God can send it anywhere He chooses. Me, I’m just the conduit. I hold the pen or tap on the keyboard to share what God is doing in my life and revealing to me as I continue to seek Him. Simple as that. It’s very cool.
On the other side of what you read, is the personal benefit I received by being obedient to what I was called to do. Turns out writing requires me to be still, read, study, research and listen. He speaks to me through these avenues and as I have occasionally heard from others, He speaks to them through the words I share. God uses it to make a difference. So, I will keep writing. The messages will keep being shared. Seeds will keep getting scattered. I will keep growing as a Christian. Often two steps forward, on step back.
Thing is, we often will not directly see the fruit of our labor. That part is up to God, and Gods timing.
In church one memorable Sunday, our Rector John Riggin, told a story of a wounded young soldier in a foreign country dying in his best friend’s arms. His friend asked if there was anything he could do for him. He said, “Tell Mr. McKennell in Bakersfield that everything he taught me brought me peace in this moment”.
After the war the friend travels to Bakersfield, finds Mr. McKennell, and tells him the story. Mr. McKennell stands there silent for a moment then states that he taught the young man Sunday school when he was a small child. After another long pause, he stated that he stopped teaching the class years ago, because he didn’t think it made a difference. He never saw the seeds he planted in the hearts of these young children.
Our part is to sow the seeds we are given to sow, then let God do what God does in the lives of which they land.
I am believer that God multiplies our efforts for His kingdom. I believe that He multiplies them for His purposes, and He multiplies them in His time, and He multiplies them every single one but, it takes someone making the effort. It takes a person being available to make the effort when the call is made.
What is your gift? Your “thing” that can be put to work to make a difference? In life, God is going to put opportunities in front of us to use our gift as a witness for Him. That is why he gave them to us, to glorify Him, not ourselves. To be a witness not by simply living a quiet Christ centered life but beyond that, by actively working our gift. By telling others through action, word, or deed, about salvation and the life that is available to them through Christ.
Know this too. These opportunities will most likely be outside of your comfort zone. That will be on purpose. That is where you grow, when you get out of the rocking chair and off the porch.
When the question is asked, “Who will go for us, who can I send”, will you sit there and keep rocking? Or, will you stand up and say, “Here I am Lord, I will go…. send me”!
It’s far more exciting to be in the game than it is to be sitting on the bench watching the game. Trust me.
Get In The Boat. Do Your Part.
Send Me Lord…. From Nose To Toes!
Shane / #16